Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Hola todos! (hello all)

As most of y'all may know,  I am traveling to Spain for study abroad this summer with other students from UT! I actually fly out tomorrow so you're reading this as I am scrambling at the last minute to run to Target one more time and make sure I have everything packed--I may have packed too much because a zipper already broke. Fingers crossed my suitcase lasts on this exciting journey!
I've contemplated over the years about writing a blog and I never have because I didn't think I had anything worth writing about. Well, I think 7 weeks in España will give me plenty to say! I will do my best to keep this updated throughout the summer with stories from my travels and maybe even some pictures here and there. 
While abroad I will be living with a host family in Santander and taking two classes at the University of Cantabria. To give you an idea of where Santander is, it's located up on the northern coast of Spain, and to give you an idea of what the city looks like, I did my best to select a picture of where I think I'll be spending most of my time.

I don't really have too much else to say before I head out other than I'm extremely excited and thankful for this opportunity and I can't wait to see what this aventura has in store for me! 
If you want to contact me while I'm gone, my home stay does have wifi and I will spend time at cafes I'm sure so feel free to email me at emilyreding11@gmail.com, my email is linked to the side also, or I have Skype and Viber so you can contact me that way as well!

Gracias y hasta pronto! 

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