Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Mi madre española

My host mom once again proved she is a saint. After a long day out at the beach playing soccer with some locals and my group, swimming in the extremely cold ocean, running along the beach, and hoping for a tan, and then enjoying some ice cream before heading to watch the first half of the Mexico vs Brazil game with some people, I returned home later than usual. Despite the fact that my host mom doesn't even like soccer, she had me come out and watch the game on the TV instead of my computer and told me to just eat in the living room on the couch, and then sat down to watch the second half with me. It might not seem like much to anybody else, but I already had a fantastic day and could have easily eaten my dinner after the game and she could have read her book, yet she made sure I was the most comfortable and kept me company.
I don't know how I got so lucky to have a host family like this one, but I'm thankful for them every day!

Now for tomorrow, all that is said on the TV here, la roja se puede.

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