Sunday, June 29, 2014

Señora Mantequilla

Tonight I made pancakes for my host family! My real mom (that's how we differentiate here because it gets confusing having a real mom and a host mom) sent me a package of Kerbey Lane pancake mix and Mrs. Butterworth's syrup a few weeks ago and tonight I made them for dinner. My host family has never had pancakes before so I showed them how to make them, just like they taught me how to make Spanish tortilla last week, they both even flipped one, and then we sat down to enjoy them. Ana, my host sister was fascinated with the syrup bottle because it's in the shape of a woman and she's seen it before on, you guessed it, The Simpsons. Several times throughout the meal, she would just laugh and say "es una mujer" (it's a woman). Ana, my host mom, was trying to figure out how to say the brand name in Spanish and since the direct translation of Mrs. Butterworth's would be "Señora Mantequilla merece la pena" we decided that simply Señora Mantequilla (Mrs. Butter) would suffice. It was so much fun showing them how to make a simple thing us Americans love to eat and it was especially cool because they actually liked them! I don't even want to think about having to leave them in 55 hours
Sña Mantequilla y los panqueques de Emilia 

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